Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha has been trained extensively in diverse ancient healing systems as well as in modern Western medicine. He has mastered Tai Chi, Qi Gong and TCM (including acupuncture, herbs and tui na) and received an M.D. in western medicine in China. His path as a student of Asian healing traditions began at the early age of six. He is a world-famous acupuncturist who has taught acupuncture as well as Qi Gong and Tai Chi for the World Health Organization and at the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, China. With his vast and deep knowledge, Dr. and Master Sha has treated and healed innumerable people around the world. Seeing past and present karma as the root cause of suffering, by and with the support of the Divine he has also offered karma cleansings to his clients since 2003. Dr. and Master Sha received the prestigious Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award in 2006 at the United Nations for his humanitarian efforts. He has written more than twenty books that offer knowledge on various ancient healing systems as well as provide practical self-healing techniques that everyone can apply and benefit from. His latest book, “Soul Mind Body Science System,” was written in collaboration with a quantum physicist and explores his teachings and concepts like the soul from a scientific point of view. For more teachings or information, visit www.drsha.com.

Interview by Evelyn Einhaeuser
Why is it so difficult to combine the understanding of ancient healing modalities with modern medicine?
Ancient Chinese wisdom combines three important concepts: Jing, which is matter. Chi, which is energy, and Shen, which consists of soul, heart, and mind. I explain this further in my new book, “Soul Mind Body Science System: Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality.”
According to ancient Chinese wisdom, the human structure has three bodies. The Jing body is the physical body. That is what modern medicine concentrates on. Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Reiki, and many other healing modalities focus primarily on the Chi body, which is energy healing for the energy body.
To make it clearer, you could say modern medicine concentrates on the matter within the cells, while traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the energy around the cells. If you look at a cellular level though, when cells expand, they actually take in energy. So as cells contract and expand, there is a constant exchange between matter and energy.
But for many, many years, before there was a precise cellular understanding, modern medicine could not be combined with traditional healing modalities, because modern medicine talked about bacteria and blood plasma and other physical structures. And the traditional modalities talked about Yin and Yang or the Five Elements. So the two systems had completely different understandings of the human structure and that is why it was very difficult to integrate them.
But now, if you go to a cellular level and see that energy enter a cell when the cell expands, modern medicine and ancient energy understanding actually meet and can communicate!
Now we still have to talk about Shen, which includes the soul. What is the soul? Matter carries the soul. We as human beings have a soul, but also each of our organs, every cell, nucleus, DNA, and RNA all carry a soul. You actually have countless souls in your body. Every organ has billions of cells and each of these cells has a soul. In ancient Chinese medicine, everything contains Shen, so everything has a soul, heart, and mind. Mind in this context doesn’t mean intellect, it represents consciousness. Therefore every cell has a soul, a heart, and a consciousness.
To sum it up, every cell is made up of Jing Qi Shen, matter, energy, and soul, heart, and consciousness. Every being and every thing is made of that combination, whether it be a human being, an animal, or even structures like the ocean. If you have this depth of understanding or an open Third Eye, you can communicate with the soul of a mountain or the soul of an ocean. This is ancient wisdom that I share here.
You said, ”Soul leads mind. Mind leads energy. Energy leads matter.” Can you explain?
There are four important ancient wisdoms contained in this one sentence. The first is Qi Dao Xue Dao. Qi means energy. Dao means arrive. Xue means blood. Qi Dao Xue Dao means when energy arrives, blood arrives. What does that mean? For example, if a person sprains an ankle, Qi is blocked there and the blood flow might be stagnant. Now if you focus your attention on the ankle and meditate, energy goes there. And if energy goes there, blood circulation will improve. Energy moves blood. So you can say energy is the boss of matter.
Yi Dao Qi Dao is the next wisdom. Yi Dao Qi Dao means when your mind arrives, energy arrives. So if you put your focus, meaning your mind or awareness, on your heart for example, energy will go there. And if energy goes there, blood will follow. So mind is the boss of energy, to put it very simply.
The third wisdom is Xin Dao Yi Dao. Xin means heart. This says the heart is the boss of the mind. That is why many ancient teachings don’t talk about mind thinking; they actually talk about heart thinking. Because in our ancient understanding, the heart houses the mind and the soul.
The last important sentence is Ling Dao Xin Dao. Ling means soul. It means when the message of the soul arrives, the heart follows.
What is the connection to the Tao and what is the Tao?
When many people hear the word Tao, they think of Taoism. But this is not how I teach it. Tao is the Source. Many people know the famous Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism, Lao Zi. Lao Zi wrote: Tao Ke Tao, Fei Chang Tao. It means that Tao (the Source) cannot be explained by words and cannot be comprehended by thought. Lao Zi further explained: Huang Xi Hu Xi, which refers to our Third Eye, the spiritual eye. He says that our normal perception is blurred and we tend to see matter as reality. So the Tao is beyond our normal perception and cannot be explained in words or comprehended by our intellect.
But the Tao also consists of the same components of matter, energy, heart, soul, and consciousness that we have just discussed.
Lao Zi said that the Tao created one energy. It is called Hun Dun. This is a mix of light (Qing Qi) and heavy (Zhuo Qi) energy. After millennia and eons, the light energy ascended and created heaven (Qing Sheng Wei Tian) and the heavy energy descended and formed Mother Earth (Zhuo Jiang Wei Di). So from one, the Hun Dun, two entities formed, heaven and earth, and the Tao was the ultimate creator of the two. Next, human beings were created as number three and from that countless other entities were created.
If you understand it correctly, these three entities form a circle, because human beings contain both light and heavy energies and also come from this one unity. So, the One can be reestablished at the level of each individual entity. But the balance is not there anymore. In the heavenly realm, there are no desires; in our earthly realm, there are too many desires. So the way for a human being to return to a state of Tao is to purify and transform the earthly Jing Qi Shen back to a more heavenly Jing Qi Shen. That is if you are on a spiritual path and want to reach immortality. Immortality is possible but only if you purify and practice, not just in this one lifetime, but for many lifetimes.
Tao is the Source, the creator. Tao is beyond space and time. Tao has no shape. Tao is a selfless and unconditional servant. Tao doesn’t take any credit. Therefore, we can easily see how far human beings have developed away from Tao and how much we need to purify to return to that state.
But we all suffer from negative emotions and mind-sets like grief or anger these days. What can we do against these emotions and how should we practice and purify.
The ancient teachings mentioned four techniques:
The first is Shen Mi. Shen means body and Mi means secret. Shen Mi means body secret. It means to use hand and body positions for healing. For example, a person might have a lot of anger. How can the person address that? Put one palm below the navel and the other palm over the liver and focus attention there. This is ancient wisdom of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). The liver is a physical organ. Anger is related to the emotional body. The physical body and emotional body are interconnected. If the person has a liver sickness such as Hepatitis A, B or C, cirrhosis, or other issues, the person could be easily irritated and upset. This is how the physical body affects the emotional body. If the person gets upset a lot, the emotional body can affect the physical body and could cause sickness in the physical body. This is how they influence each other.
The second ancient technique is named Kou Mi. Kou means mouth. Mi means secret. Kou Mi means to chant a mantra. Many Chinese, Indian, and many other ancient practices all chant. To chanting is to repeat certain sounds. These repetitive sounds carry invisible love, forgiveness, compassion, and light. Mantras can therefore remove shen qi jing blockages for healing. So you could place your hands on you body and chant a mantra to reduce your anger. Chanting healing mantras can remove blockages on any level.
The third ancient technique is Yi Mi. Yi means thinking. Mi means secret. Yi Mi means using our consciousness for healing. In our time, it refers to meditation. Yi Mi means creative visualization. Some people visualize the Divine or saints, heaven, sun, moon, ocean, etc. Meditation is creative visualization. You can visualize anything you wish that supports the healing function.
Where do these blockages occur and stem from?
Jing blockages are within the cells. Qi blockages are between the cells. Shen blockages include blockages of the soul, heart, and mind. Soul blockages stem from all kinds of negative karma including personal karma, ancestral karma, relationship karma, curses, voodoo, etc. Heart blockages include impurities such as selfishness, greed, etc. Mind blockages include negative mind-sets, negative beliefs, negative attitudes, ego, attachments, etc.
Can I also use these techniques for healing someone else?
Definitely you can use them for someone else. For example, when your child has health challenges, you can say, “Dear Divine, can I call you? My daughter has a health issue. Can you heal my daughter?” Then chant, “God's light.” If your Third Eye is open, you may even see God appear shining gold, crystal, or other kinds of colors to your child's body. You can use the three techniques together for healing yourself, for healing your children, or anybody else. In the last eleven years my teaching has benefitted millions of people worldwide.
So everybody can be a healer for themselves and others?
Yes, definitely. The message of my teaching is:
I have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of my life.
You have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of your life.
Together we have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all life of humanity and all souls.
You have said that each cell and every entity has a soul. How can I use this for healing?
The Divine and the Tao have given me a fourth technique which has not been used enough in history. It is a Soul Power technique. I named it “Say Hello Healing®” and this simply means to invoke the souls for healing. You can invoke the souls of the sun, the ocean, of fire, or of herbs. For example, you can invoke Chinese herbs, ayurvedic herbs, or chant the names of the herbs. You could receive remarkable healing results. We have thousands of soul healing miracles where people did the Say Hello practice with the saints, with the sun, with Mother Earth and created unbelievable results.
What is the cause for suffering and sickness?
In my teaching, I stress that karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect of life. Karma means the record of your services in all of your lives. There are two kinds of services. If a person serves others with love, care, compassion, generosity, kindness, grace, and integrity, Heaven will record this person as having good karma. If a person kills, harms, takes advantages of others, steals, cheats, and more, this person has a record of negative karma. According to karmic law, a person who offers good karma to others in all lifetimes, including past lifetimes and this lifetime, will receive rewards in health, relationships, finances, intelligence, success, and more. A person who has negative karma could learn lessons including sickness, challenges in relationships, finances, intelligence, and more. In 2003 the Divine gave me the authority to clear negative karma and this can create extremely good healing results.
I have seen that the beautiful calligraphies you have made that also contain healing energy. Can you say something about that?
This is my fifth technique: Calligraphy Power. We all know calligraphy is a Chinese art. After I write a calligraphy, the Divine transmits Divine shen qi jing and Tao transmits Tao shen qi jing to it. The calligraphy then connects with countless saints, saint's animals, and temples on Earth and in heaven. They connect with the calligraphy. When the person uses the calligraphy, healing results can be remarkable.
Can you share a simple healing exercise with our readers that they can practice daily?
One of the most important fundamental and sacred practices is to put your mind on the Ming Men area. How can you find the Ming Men area? From your navel make a straight line to your back. That point is named the Ming Men acupuncture point. Ming means life. Men means gate. Ming Men literally means the life gate.
When the sun shines on the ocean, the water turns to steam. The steam rises. The steam is named the Qi of Mother Earth. Mother Earth's Qi rises to Heaven to form the clouds. The clouds will turn to rain and flow down.
In the same way, when you put your mind on the Ming Men area your mind acts like the sun. The Ming Men area is just like water. So the water will flow up automatically. The result is that you are producing liquid in your mouth. You need to swallow the liquid. This is one of the most powerful daily practices and is very healthy. There is no time limit. Put the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth. Put your mind on the lower back area of the Ming Men and you will receive benefits as soon as you do this. This is a powerful and practical technique.
My book, “Tao II: The Way of Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality” explains two hundred twenty sacred phrases and sacred practices, but this is a simple and important one. I hope the readers benefit from it.
Is there something you would like to state in the end?
If you are more interested in these topics, you should read “Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies”. It contains a lot of knowledge about both the ancient wisdoms and modern medicinal understandings. It is a great book for everyone who is interested in working in a holistic manner. There are also many techniques given in this book for healing the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Also if you are interested in learning more, you can connect over the website. And we have a chanting channel now which offers free chanting for healing twenty-four hours a day: www.tv.drsha.com.